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We’ve tried our hand at many things, musicals and shows


And lately, murder mysteries, who done it, goodness knows!


So here’s the swinging sixties, a time of change and fun

Of groups and songs remembered well; the future just begun.


‘The times they are a-changing’ Dylan sang and it was true

For music, style and happenings shaped the decade through and through.


They gave the country freedom from restrictions of the past


Established different standards that would change the world and last.


The crazy world of changes whistled by us much too soon

But the last gasp of the decade brought the landing on the Moon.


‘That’s One Small Step for Man’, Neil Armstrong’s words survive the years


And remembering such times gone by can bring us close to tears.


Then join us in the tunes that form the backbone of our show


‘Cos I’ll bet the words are stuck and there aren’t many you don’t know!


And in Ern and Eric’s ‘Sunshine, that’s where happiness belongs


Be light-hearted all day long and keep on singing happy songs.



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