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Wilbury Hills Amateur Theatricals (W.H.A.T.) was set up in 1989, celebrating our 25th Anniversary in 2014.


Our objectives are:


  • To raise funds for charities, 

    In particular Garden House Hospice, Letchworth and Keech Cottage Hospice, Luton


  • To entertain the community and surrounding areas of Letchworth, Baldock and the North Harts area, by staging theatrical and musical events.



Who are we?

WHAT are we?

We’re just a group of people, Quite ordin’ry you know.

Who like to act and sing and do the odd variety show.

Music hall and panto, 

Trips down memory lane.

Melodrama, mystery, 

Then panto once again.


We don’t have any wages but do it just for fun. 

Our takings go to charity, from every show we run.

So, if you’d like to join us, or see WHAT we’re about.   

Just pop along one evening  and really check us out!



What do we do?

Each year, we stage a major production. 

Our last three productions have been 2 mystery plays,

‘Murder is Served’ and ‘More Deadly Than’and in February 2017

‘One Small Step’

Our tribute to the 1960s

When and where do we meet?



We rehearse on Monday evenings from 7.30p.m. to 9.30p.m. at St Thomas’ Church Hall, Bedford Road, Letchworth.  Rehearsals usually start in October for performances in the following February


Why do we do the things we do?

Because we enjoy it!

Our main aims are to entertain, to raise funds for local charities and to have fun along the way!



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